Gukôroku 2016

Drama Mystery

an investigations on murder didn't reach to any results, until a journalist discover new information that get on the trail of the criminal.

Tous les titres
  • JP: Gukôroku Gukôroku
  • CA: Gukoroku - Traces of Sin Gukoroku - Traces of Sin
  • HK: Gukoroku - Traces of Sin Gukoroku - Traces of Sin
  • HU: Gukoroku - A bűn nyomában Gukoroku - A bűn nyomában
  • IT: Gukoroku - Traces of Sin Gukoroku - Traces of Sin
  • JP: 愚行録 愚行録
  • PL: Gukoroku - ślady grzechu Gukoroku - ślady grzechu
  • SE: Traces of Sin Traces of Sin
  • JP: Gukoroku - Traces of Sin Gukoroku - Traces of Sin
  • JP: Record of Folly Record of Folly
Date de sortie 18 Feb 2017
Lien IMDb
